First, navigate to your portfolios
When logged in as a student:
- Click on your profile (top right)
- Click on "My Portfolio"
- Click on the Portfolio(s) tab
Second, create a portfolio
- Click the plus icon
- Give the portfolio a name
- Add a feature image
Note: The method for creating a portfolio is the same for staff as well.
Assign the Portfolio Advisor
Now that you have created a portfolio from the student perspective, it is time to assign the Portfolio Advisor.
- Open your created portfolio
- Locate "Portfolio Advisor(s)" in the Permissions panel at the top
- Click this option to bring up the Portfolio Advisor selection window
- Choose one or more advisors for the portfolio
- Save your selection
👋 Portfolio Advisors can also be assigned from the “Portfolios” panel in Student360. For more information on Portfolio Advisors, visit “How to Assign Portfolio Advisors”.
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