Abre allows administrators to specify behavior responses and serve dates for incidents from within their Behavior workflow. An administrator's "Queue" will contain all the incidents that are a part of their workflow but do not yet have a behavior response assigned.
Required Abre Permission
To assign a behavior response within an incident, you need to have Abre's "Behavior Administrator" permission enabled.
Selecting a Behavior Response and Assigning Dates
- Navigate to the "Queue" tab and select an incident by clicking on it
- Once in the incident, scroll down to "Responses"
- Select the dropdown under "Choose a Response" which opens a list of your school or district's responses. Scroll to find the responses you wish to assign to the incident.
- Select a "Start" date as well as a "Thru" date. Districts choose to use these dates differently based on their own behavior systems.
- Type the number of days the response lasts.
- Click "Save" to tie the response to the incident. Once saved the incident will move to the "Verification" tab within the Behavior workflow.
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