Abre Partners app now allows for partner administrators to log, track and monitor donations for both financial and time-based contributions.
To View Donation Log and to Log a New Donation:
Donations are tracked at the partner program level.
- Navigate to the Abre Partners App, select a partner, and access an individual program.
- Clicking ‘Track Donations’ will direct the user to the ‘Donation Log’ route for that particular program.
- Click the ‘+’ in the bottom right (Log Donation)
- Select Donation Type
- Monetary (Direct Money Donated to Program)
- Donation Amount ($)
- Intended Use
- Time (Hours Donated for Volunteer Tracking)
- HRS & MIN of Time Donated
- Intended Use of Time
- In-Kind (Materials Directly Donated)
- In-Kind Item(s) - Description of Items Donated
- Estimated In-Kind Donation Value ($)
- Monetary (Direct Money Donated to Program)
- Select Save. Donations are added to the logger. Donation Log is exportable via .csv through the ‘Download Donation Report’ button and contains additional details for each donation (Partner Name, Program Name, Donation Type, Monetary Donation Amount, Time Donation Amount, Intended Use Description, In-Kind Description, Donation Logger’s Name, Submission Time)
Note: Associated reporting for Donation logging is included in Abre Insights within the Community Engagement category.
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