The Abre Forms App includes 10 field types, including 5 fields that require responses from the users. Current form fields include:
- Title/Subtitle
- Description
- Short Answer
- Paragraph
- Multiple CHoice
- Checkboxes
- Dropdown
- Date
- Number
- File Upload
Below, we've provided guidance around each field works, and how you might utilize them within a form or plan.
Here, users can insert a title or subtitle into their document. This is an area that you could give your plan a title (ex: River Oak Elementary WEP). Subtitles can help divide your form into sections. You can give each subtitle a different name if desired. The Type dropdown provides options for text sizing.
Description allows users to enter text information to their form & plan. Here, teachers and administrators can share important information that needs to be delivered in the form/plan
For example: "This is your child's WEP for Example School. Please know that this WEP will follow your child throughout the year and be updated in the winter."
This will appear as a text box with no required response in your form/plan.
Short Answer
The short answer field allows users to create their first type of question that requires a response. This field can be used for asking small bits of information (a name, email address, building location, or other values).
The label field is what information you are requesting from the submitter. You will get one line of text to answer the question and users can enter as much text as they would like.
The paragraph field allows users to enter longer responses to questions. It acts the same as a short answer, but with the form displaying more room for text and information. Again, the label field is what information are requesting from the submitter.
Multiple Choice
Required Response
If you would like a form to require an answer from your users, say in use with an Abre headline you will want to select a Multiple Choice field and not a Checkbox.
Multiple choices let you list options and have users select one. With this option, the user can only select one option per multiple-choice question.
It's important to know that when you turn a Form into a Plan, the multiple-choice field when printed will print all the options listed (as well as the selected options).
The label as in other fields is what is requested of the submitter, i.e. your question.
The two side by side by side under "Options" give Abre users increased functionality:
- The field on the left is the display text a user will see
- The right field is what will be recorded if that choice is selected
For example in a staff form, you may ask a user to select their position based on the terms they would know (hourly, salaried teacher, etc.) but have the form right back your internal pay codes. Saving you time without confusing your users
Checkboxes are similar to multiple-choice options. However, users are able to select multiple options with a checkbox field.
It's important to know that when you turn a Form into a Plan, the checkboxes (when printed) will print only the options selected (not all of the options)
Below is an example of a Checkboxes Field set up for a progress monitoring form. A user would be able to check multiple fields rather than just a single response.
The two side by side by side under "Options" give Abre users increased functionality:
- The field on the left is the display text a user will see
- The right field is what will be recorded if that choice is selected
The dropdown field allows users to select one option from the list. It works similar to the multiple-choice field, but rather than seeing all the options, users can select an option from a drop-down menu instead.
This option is helpful when keeping your form length from getting too long. Below is an example of the drop-down menu with WEP Goal Examples.
The two side by side by side under "Options" give Abre users increased functionality:
- The field on the left is the display text a user will see
- The right field is what will be recorded if that choice is selected
The date field in forms requires users to enter a date (MM/DD/YYYY). For example, you could require your students or family members to enter a date in the form or plan.
The number field requires users to enter a number. You can set a minimum, maximum, and step (scale).
For example. you could ask for the number of hours a child may receive interventions, support, or instruction. Teachers would then be required to enter those hours.
File Upload
The file upload field required users to upload a file as part of their form.
For example: As part of signing up to join an athletics team a student may be required to upload their physical.
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