September 2022 Update!
CompletedHello Abre Community!
The Abre Product team's mission is to continually enhance our platform based on feedback from our incredible user community, and we are excited to share with you our September monthly product updates.
See below for what's included in this month's release, and please let us know via your thoughts on our new enhancements.
What's New in Version 2022.09
Providing Students with the Right Support at the Right Time
Abre Wellness Check-in Enhancements
Students receiving the Abre Wellness Check-in have always had the ability to request additional support resources for themselves as part of their regular check-in, however it required manual intervention by staff to provide resources as a result of the check-in.
Now, Abre has taken steps to automate this process and provide targeted Wellness Resources to students at their request.
Beginning September 1st, Wellness Administrators will see new functionality available in the Wellness Settings section of the Abre Hub.
Wellness settings in Abre have been updated to allow districts to align grade band specific Wellness Resources to be delivered automatically to students as a result of their Abre Wellness Check-in.
Students who request to be provided with additional resources for support will receive an automated email to their Abre aligned email accounts containing the resources provided by the district.
Wellness Resources currently support web links (URLs) as well as upload of PDF formatted documents.
Updates to Supported Student360 Integrations
The Student360 now supports many additional assessment data integrations for both summative, formative and standardized assessments.
New Reports Include:
CMAS - Colorado Measurements of Academic Success
CoAlt - Alternative Colorado State Assessment
PSSA - Pennsylvania System of School Assessment
Keystone - Pennsylvania State Assessments
WIDA Access for ELL’s
Minor Enhancements
Behavior Reporting Template - Notice of Suspension (OH)
- The Abre Behavior App now supports the use of standardized Notice of Suspension form letters for the State of Ohio. Templates are pre-populated with the required information directly from the Abre Behavior Incident.
Control Notification Sends for Announcement Posting
- Not every announcement requires mass notification, when creating announcements within the Abre Hub, Communications Administrators can now optionally select to send an associated “Announcement Posted” notification to all opted-in users.
Wellness Advisor Alignment - Abre Insights Report Available
Improve your management of Wellness Advisor alignments throughout your district via the Wellness Advisor Alignment report in Abre Insights.
This report allows administrators to view the overall alignment of each student to a defined adult mentor for support across all Abre Wellness programs (Check-in, SSIS CoLab SEL Surveys)
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