July 2022 Update!
CompletedHello Abre Community!
The Abre Product team's mission is to continually enhance our platform based on feedback from our incredible user community, and we are excited to share with you our March monthly product updates.
See below for what's included in this month's release, and please let us know via feedback@abre.io your thoughts on our new enhancements.
What’s New
Abre Announcements - Social Media Sharing Capability
- Abre Announcement Postings can now be shared directly to Facebook and Twitter from the Abre Hub.
- When creating an Announcement, Communications Administrators will be presented with an additional toggle option when crafting their announcement reading: “Allow this announcement to be shared on social networks”.
Payments App & Student360 Payments Tab
- Family Members making payments via Abre Payments are now presented with the option to align a payment to a specific student (Requires Student Token Redemption).
- When accessing a payment transaction URL, on the Payee Information page, Family Member users will see a toggle displayed under ‘Beneficiary Information’: ‘I am making this payment on behalf of a student’.
- Upon enabling the check-box toggle, a drop down menu will appear that displays the name of all students that the family member has redeemed student tokens for.
- Users will then complete their transaction through the standard payment process. Student-aligned transactions will appear in the Student360 Payments tab as well as within the Transaction tab within Abre Payments.
Wellness Check-In
- Wellness Administrators are able to access the Wellness Communications tab to create Wellness Check-In settings for their students.
Student Completion of Wellness Check-In
- Upon logging into Abre, based on the check-in settings established, students will be prompted with a headline style form to complete with the following questions:
- How are you feeling today? (Emojii based response)
- On a scale from 1-5, how are you doing today?
- How is your day going? (Open field for student comments)
- How can we best assist in the coming days?
- Results are captured upon the student clicking ‘Submit Form and Finish”.
Student Check-In Results Button (Students App)
- Available for Wellness Advisors and Wellness Administrators - staff users with no aligned students will not see this results button exposed.
- Accessing this page, Wellness Advisors will be able to review the Check-In results for the students currently aligned to them via the Wellness Advisor selection in the Student360.
- Wellness Administrators will see all results for students across their building or district depending upon permission.
- Filters are available to sort by student name, time range, grade, wellness level, next steps, follow-up status, and elevations status.
Wellness Check-In Results are Stored in the Student360 for each student as well as within Abre Insights for district and building level data dashboards.
To enable the Abre Wellness Check-In for your district please contact support@abre.io or your Abre Sales contact.
New Abre Insights Dashboards
CAASPP (California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress
- Achievement Levels - SBS ELA
- Achievement Levels - SBS Math
- Year over Year Performance Trend - Scale Scores - SBS ELA
- Year over Year Performance Trend - Scale Scores - SBS Math
- Year over Year Performance Trend - Scale Scores - Science
- Year over Year Performance Trend - Scale Scores - CAST
ELPAC (English Language Proficiency Assessments for California)
- Overall Performance Levels
- Oral Language Performance Levels
- Written Language Performance Levels
- Listening Performance Levels
- Speaking Performance Levels
- Writing Performance Levels
- Average Overall Scale Scores - Year over Year Trend
- Oral Language Scores - Year over Year Trend
- Written Language Scores - Year over Year Trend
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