January 2022 Update!
CompletedHappy New Year from Abre!
Welcome to 2022!
The Abre Product team's mission is to continually enhance our platform based on feedback from our incredible user community, and we are excited to share with you our January monthly product updates.
See below for what's included in this month's release, and please let us know via feedback@abre.io your thoughts on our new enhancements.
What’s New in Version 5.3.16
- Behavior Incident Details Visibility for Family Members
- In order to better understand the whole-child, Abre now allows Behavior Administrators to set a toggle within the Behavior App settings area to allow student-aligned family members to view all office referral behavior incident details within their students Student360.
- In the ‘Incident Visibility’ section of Behavior Settings, a new checkbox toggle has been added with the following description: “Allow family members to view all office referral incident details for their students in the student profile”.
- Enabling this option will enable a “Details” button in the Student360 under the Behavior tab, ‘Behavior Details’.
- Clicking the ‘Details’ button will present the user with a ‘Behavior Details’ modal that shows the basic details of the incident, as well as the basic description.
- Assign Class Activities to Customized Groups and Individual Students
- To better address individual student learning needs, Abre Class teachers can now assign activities to a customized list of students, including allowing activities to be assigned to individual students.
- The Activity creation modal within Abre Class has been redesigned to include an “Assign To:” field.
- Using this field and associated dropdown menu, teachers can select the students rostered to this class that will need to complete this activity.
- Upon ‘Save’ the created activity will appear as a required assignment for all students assigned through the Class App (Activity List & Grid Views)
- Activities assigned to individual students will influence their overall grade based on the same weighting and scoring criteria established for the class.
- Redesigned Student Group creation and Group editor.
- Within the Abre Students app, upon clicking the ‘Add Group’ button, users are now presented with a single modal that contains group name, student search, and roster information all on a single page, without the previous tab structure.
- Class Card Reordering
- Teachers now have the ability to re-order the display of their class cards in both the Abre Class and Abre Students apps.
- When in either the Abre Students or Abre Class app, users will click on the “Edit Courses’ button.
- Upon clicking the drawer icon on the far right of the class listing, the user can then drag and drop and re-order their class listings.
- On save, this re-order will be reflected in the order of the individual class cards in both the Abre Students and Abre Class apps.
- Enhancements & Improvements
- Added verbiage throughout the product to provide customers with helpful tips about how to "Get Started" with each Abre app.
- Refreshed and expanded shortcut icon options with tooltips to describe each icon when creating Personal and District shortcuts in the Hub.
- Added the ability to navigate directly to modify a student's grade when viewing their activity summary in the Class app.
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