November 2021 Update!
CompletedHello Abre Community!
The Abre Product team's mission is to continually enhance our platform based on feedback from our incredible user community, and we are excited to share with you our November monthly product updates.
See below for what's included in this month's release, and please let us know via your thoughts on our new enhancements.
What's New in Version 5.4.14
Improved Announcements & Headline Capabilities for Communication Admins
- Creating announcements for multiple channels with different stakeholders can be a time-consuming and tedious process, as a result, Abre now provides the ability for both announcements and headlines to be copied.
- Communication Administrators will see a new option under their announcements and headlines to 'Make a Copy' of their respective communication.
- Copying announcements will maintain all of the primary content from the original communication except for scheduled post times and distribution channels. After making updates to scheduled post times and distribution channels, administrators can make any additional changes and publish the announcement to the appropriate stakeholders.
- Copying headlines will maintain all of the primary content from the original communication except for the title. After inputting a new title, administrators can make any additional changes and publish the headline to their stakeholders.
Abre Payments Now Includes ACH & Cash Payment Options
- Abre Payments already makes it easy to create, promote and accept credit card transactions for your school community, and now we are thrilled to announce that Abre Payments, in partnership with PayTheory, support for ACH/Bank and Cash payment types.
- When a user makes a payment in Abre, they will now be presented with multiple options for selecting their desired payment method. When a user makes a payment in Abre, the user is defaulted to pay via Credit Card.
- The user can change this to ACH/Bank or Cash payment type.
- If a user chooses ACH they will be directed to enter their checking or savings account information.
- If they choose Cash, they will be presented with a barcode and local map of where they can complete the cash payment. Credit Card/ACH will be immediately processed. Cash payments will show and be collected in your merchant portal once a Cash payment is completed.
- User experience improvement when viewing and interacting with student data in the Student 360 Quick Look.
- Updated design language to the headlines editor modal.
- Enhanced security and privacy improvements.
Bug Fixes & Minor Improvements
- Fixed a bug that prevented the "other" option of a select field from being rendered if it was the only chosen option in a plan/form.
- Fixed caching to enhance TinyMCE UX.
- Fixed a bug that prevented users from completing payments in the Payments app.
- Fixed a bug that prevented giving the notes visibility setting from working properly for staff and partners.
- Fixed a bug that would cause multiple response rows for a single People app profile.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the all activities download from working in the Class app.
- Fixed a bug that caused users to be routed incorrectly when direct linking to a behavior incident.
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