January 2024 Updates
The Abre Product team's mission is to continually enhance our platform based on feedback from our incredible user community. We're thrilled to introduce Abre version 2024.01, which brings various improvements and fixes to make your experience with our software even better.
See below for what's included in this month's release, and please let us know via feedback@abre.com your thoughts on our new enhancements.
What's New
Sign In Help Text for Family Members & Partners
Conveniently access help from the login screen with the "Don't Have an Account?" link, guiding family and partners to our Abre knowledge base for straightforward Single Sign-On setup.
Historical Grades & Assignments Available in Student360
Users can now “go back” to previous term grades (of the current school year) in the Student360. This allows users to see a previous term grade even if the school has moved to a new grading term.
Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Reports Added to Student360
Access KSA student data directly from the Student360 Assessments tab.
MasteryConnect Reports Added to Student360
Access MasteryConnect student data directly from the Student360 Assessments tab.
FastBridge Early Math and Early Reading Reports Added to Student360
Access FastBridge Early Math and Early Reading student data directly from the Student360 Assessments tab.
FastBridge FastBridge aMath and aReading Reports Added to Student360
Access FastBridge aMath and aReading student data directly from the Student360 Assessments tab.
Attendance Level Added to the Student360
If a district is using the Abre_Attendance_2.0 template, they will now see the “Level” shown inside of the Student360 attendance.
Staff Email Added to the Student360
Staff emails now show next to the Staff name in the Student360. This is visible in the Profile tab under “Current Schedule” and the Grades tab under “Imported” and “Abre Class”.
Student Counselor Information Added to the Student360
If a district is sending student counselor information by using the Abre_Student_Counselors template they will now see the student counselor listed under the students Student360 profile.
Bugs We Squashed
Alphabetized Report Listing in Class360
When using the Class360 reports will now show in alphabetical order.
Updated Partners Report Link
When inside of the Partners App, if there are no reports listed a user will now be directed to the updated KB page of https://help.abre.io/hc/en-us/articles/1260807638209-An-Overview-of-the-Partner-App-
We appreciate you choosing Abre, and we hope you enjoy the enhanced features and bug fixes in this release. If you run into any issues or have feedback, please reach out to our support team. Your feedback is valuable as we continue to improve Abre for your benefit.
Stay tuned for more exciting updates in the future!
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