June 2023 Updates
The Abre Product team's mission is to continually enhance our platform based on feedback from our incredible user community. We are thrilled to share with your our June 2023 product updates.
See below for what's included in this month's release, and please let us know via feedback@abre.com your thoughts on our new enhancements.
What’s New - June 2023
- Enable Student360 Access for Students
- System Administrators now have the ability to grant access by grade band to selected Student 360 tabs for student users.
- Within the platform settings route (/#settings), within the ‘Authentication’ area, a new option for ‘Student Management’ has been added.
- Enabling the ‘Allow Students to See their Student Information (Student360 Access)’ will expose a drop down for multi-select grade selection. Students aligned to those grade bands for the current school year will be able to access their own Student360 upon login.
- Administrators are able to then select in the ‘Advanced Options’ area of the /#settings/authentication route the specific tabs of the Student360 that will be exposed to the selected student grade bands above.
- Upon logging in as a student user, a new icon for Student360 access will be available in the top primary navigation header that allows for quick access and exposure of the Student360 for the student currently logged into Abre.
- Navigation and functionality to explore the Student360 is unchanged from the experience of staff, family and partner member users.
- App Specific Reporting
- Curriculum
- Curriculum Administrators and System Administrators when accessing the Curriculum App will see a new ‘Reports’ tab populated on the top navigation header, allowing access to the Curriculum App report.
- Student Courses Created Count
- Staff Courses Created Count
- Curriculum Courses Enabled in Learn App Count
- Pie Chart Distribution of Curriculum Course Type
- Course Counts by Associated Student Grade
- Course Counts by Subject
- Courses Details Table (Course Name, Subject, Course Type, Enabled in Learn)
- Available Filters
- Course Type
- Subject
- Enabled in Learn app
- Course Name
- Grade Alignment
- Editors (user email)
- Plans
- Plans Administrators and System Administrators will access the Plans report card as is current practice to locate the CSV exports of students and staff plan alignments (current feature). In addition to the standard CSV exports, users will see two additional buttons for ‘Student Plans Reports’ and ‘Staff Plans Reports’ - allowing access to the respective Plan App report for the corresponding user role.
- Student/Staff Plan Templates Created
- Students/Staff Aligned to Plans Count
- Student/Staff Plan Status (Incomplete, Submitted, Approved, Complete)
- Student/Staff Counts by Plan Template
- Student/Staff Counts by School Alignment
- Student/Staff On Plan Details
- Student/Staff Plan Template Details
- Available Filters
- Plan Name
- Plan Status
- Creation Date
- Staff/Student Id
- School Code
- Payments
- Payments Administrators and System Administrators will see a new ‘Reports’ tab in the top header of the Payments app, allowing for access to the Payments App specific report.
- Summation of Total Dollar Amount of Payments Received
- Summation of Total Dollar Amount of Payments Received (CC)
- Summation of Total Dollar Amount of Payments Received (ACH)
- Summation of Total Dollar Amount of Payments Received (CASH)
- Running Payment Total Over Time
- Payment Amounts by Payment Status
- Payments Received By Type (Transaction Counts)
- Total Payment Received by Payment Bucket
- Transaction Log (Payment Details)
- Filters Available:
- Time of Payment
- Payment Completion Status
- Payment Status
- Payee User Type
- Payment Name
- Type (ACH, CC, Cash)
- CC Brand
- Behavior
- Behavior Administrators and System Administrators will have access to new Behavior Analytics reports in addition to keeping the legacy ChartJS with filterable, exportable CSV files to ensure current processes within districts are not impacted.
- Total Incident Count
- Most Common Behaviors Count
- Most Common Locations
- Incident Count by Date
- Incidents Over Time (Running Total)
- Incident Count by Time of Day
- Incidents by Behavior Workflow Status
- Incident Submitters
- Student Incidents
- Response Counts
- Behavior Incident Details
- Available Filters
- School Year
- Incident Date
- School
- Location
- Behavior Codes
- Behavior
- Student Grade
- Economically Disadvantaged Status
- ELL Status
- Gifted Status
- IEP Status
- StudentID
- Consequence Name
- ‘Directed At:’ Victim Reporting Field Incorporated into Behavior Incidents - Write Back Capability to SIS with ProgressBook VendorLink integration.
- For both staff and administrators (System + Behavior) when creating Behavior Incidents, a new field for capturing Vitim (‘Directed At:’) details has been added.
- This field is not dynamically associated with the ‘Directed Towards’ field, and both fields remain independent and optional when logging a behavior incident.
- The ‘Directed At’ field is populated via the Abre_Students table, allowing for only single selection of a victim, with the dropdown populated via the alignment to the same building that a student is associated with.
- Victim Details are logged in the ‘conduct_discipline’ table - both via name and StudentID.
- NOTE: Currently Victim identification information is not incorporated into any behavior reports.
- For OH districts utilizing ProgressBook and VendorLink, Victim ID (StudentID) will be written back to the SIS for further tracking and reporting (pending final validation with local OH school districts on write back capability - currently scheduled for 6/6/23)
- Staff Curriculum Collaboration Edit Topic Collaboration
- Upon creation of a New Curriculum Course, or Editing an existing course, a new option for ‘Allow Staff Members to Edit Curriculum/Learn Topics’ has been added.
- By Default this Option is Enabled for Newly Created Courses
- Once Topics are created in the curriculum map, staff members will have the ability to add resources to the topic.
- For administrators, a ‘Topic History’ view has been added to allow for monitoring of which staff members have made contributions to the curriculum topic.
- Disabling the toggle for edit access will remove the ability for staff members to add additional resources to topics.
- Added KRA OH (v1.0 & v2.0) Assessment Visualizations to Student360
- Districts who provide KRA data in one of two formats (abre_kra and abre_kra_v2) will now see Student360 level visualizations within the Assessments tab where student information is available.
- Incorporated user name into ‘Past Behavior Incident’ table within individual Behavior Incident modal.
- Added an additional column of information to the ‘Past Behavior Incident’ table within an individual Behavior Incident modal to provide the associated User Name with the email associated with the creation of past incidents.
- Added Parent/Legal Guardian signature line to Summary Report PDF in Behavior Responses
- New signature line added at the bottom of the standard ‘Summary Report’ PDF for Parent/Legal Guardian signature. This is a standard feature of the Summary Report PDF and will be included in all Summary Reports without the ability to toggle off.
- ‘Un-Align’ Wellness Advisor Functionality
- Added the ability to entirely ‘Unaling’ both Staff and Family Wellness Advisors for students within the Wellness Student360 tab.
- Upon clicking this button, the user will be presented with an alert asking for confirmation of the unalignment with guidance around delivery of SEL Surveys and Wellness Check-Ins.
- Reverts the Student back to a status of ‘No Staff/Family Advisor Selected’.
Bug Fixes
- Numerous bug fixes to address console logging within GCP and enhance instance stability/server scaling.
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