December 2022 Updates
Updated Staff/Student Search
- Search functionality for Students and Staff has been aligned and updated throughout the platform.
- Student Search (People, Students, Behavior, Plans) - Student records are now searchable by First Name, Last Name and StudentID.
- First Name and Last Name combinations are now allowable searchable terms: “Daisy Dagdag”, “Dagdag Daisy”, “Daisy, Dagdag”, “Dagdag, Daisy” will return the same results.
- StudentID remains a stand-alone searchable term.
- Staff Search (People, Plans) - Staff records are now searchable by First Name, Last Name and Email.
- First Name and Last Name combinations are now allowable searchable terms: “Amanda Brown”, “Brown Amanda”, “Amanda, Brown”, “Brown, Amanda” will return the same results.
- Staff Email remains a stand-alone searchable term.
Added emoji selection option to the TinyMCE WYSIWYG.
- The TinyMCE WYSIWYG text editor has been expanded to include the selection of emojis throughout the platform.
- Announcements
- Headlines
- Curriculum
- Partner Programs
- Emojis are searchable and aligned to categories.
Added a "View Details" button for ELL indicator in the Student360 with EL Information (if provided by the school/district).
- Student360 now supports the display of additional student information around EL status.
- Districts have the option to provide Abre with additional student specific EL information within the Abre_EL.txt template:
- Abre Data Integration Documentation
- Student ID
- Status
- Status Code
- Date Identified
- Home Language
- Home Language Code
- Native Language
- Place of Birth
- Country of Birth
- Country of Birth Code
- US Start Date
- English Proficiency
- Districts that provide this information will see a new ‘View Details’ link under the ELL status chip, clicking will expose the details provided within the template.
Added GE (Grade Equivalent) to the STAR "View Details" in the Student360.
- Additional Grade Equivalent information now available as part of the STAR student assessment Breakdown report.
- From the Assessments tab:
- ‘View Details’ on STAR Chart
- ‘View Details’ on STAR Assessment Area Chart
- Grade Equivalent column is displayed between State Benchmark and Percentile Rank information.
- No additional changes required for STAR integrations, Abre has historically collected this information as part of our standard implementation process; the platform now displays this info for access by users.
Auto Calculate Behavior Response Days
- Behavior Administrators (District & Building) now have the ability to autocalculate the ‘Number of Days’ field within the Reponses section of a Behavior incident.
- Users will populate the Start Date and Thru Date of a given response, and click the ‘Clock’ icon within the ‘Number of Days’ field to perform the autocalculation.
- Calculations are non-inclusive of the start date. (Ex: 11/28/22 - 12/02/22 is calculated as a 4 day response)
- Field can continue to be manually overwritten, with another click of the ‘Clock’ icon recalculating the response days.
Improved Error Handling for Wellness Advisor Alignment
- Users claiming students as their Wellness Advisee, who do not have case-sensitive matched user emails will receive improved messaging in product around their ability to not align to a student.
- Users with a non-match or non-existent valid staff email will be presented with the following message when attempting to claim a student:
- Your email does not match with a record in the SIS. Wellness Advisor alignment cannot be completed. Please reach out to your district administration or for further assistance.
Additional S360 Reports
- Achieve3000
- CDTs - Biology
- CDTs - Algebra
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